Shadows Of Pavements presents True Story. Crow Creek Reservation is located on the east bank of the Missouri River in central South Dakota, United States. It has a total area of 421.658 sq mi(1.092,09 square kilometers), and 2.225 inhabitants(2000). It was established in 1862 and they are members of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe. Photos: Crow Creek Sioux Tribe Flag and the location of the Reservation.
They are governed by the Crow Creek Tribal Council. Election of all six members and the Chair are held every two years on the third Tuesday in April. The Chairman is elected at large by all districts. Tribal Council elects from within a Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.
Notable tribal members are: Oscar Howe(1915-1983), Yanktonai, modernist painter. More than 20 of his originals are on display at tghe Oscar Howe Art Center in Mitchell, South Dakota. Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, native american writer. She is the author of two novels and a collection of short stories. She is also a triditional dancer on the powwow circuit. Shawn Hawk, world-rated professional boxer has his roots here.
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